UIL webinar: Teacher Voices in and For Lifelong Learning

Friday, 11 October, 2024 - 12:00 to 13:00
A smiling woman writes on a whiteboard.

To mark World Teachers' Day, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the UNESCO Section for Teacher Development are co-hosting a webinar exploring how teachers' voices can contribute to haping policies and practices of lifelong learning and how this, in turn, can promote lifelong learning among teachers and learners.

Teachers play an essential role in upholding the right to education. To ensure quality education and learning opportunities for all, every learner must have access to a qualified teacher. Therefore, teachers must continuously engage in professional development to navigate and respond to the evolving expectations and challenges of societies worldwide. At the same time, teachers are pivotal in transforming education into lifelong learning systems, acting as 'facilitators of lifelong learning' who instill lifelong learning values, dispositions, attitudes, and skills in their students and communities.

As active agents of change, teachers possess the capacity to influence educational practices and shape learning environments. World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to recognize the transformative role teachers play in education, to reflect on the support they need to fully realize their potential, and to reimagine the future of the teaching profession together.

This webinar will explore how teachers' voices can contribute to shaping policies and practices of lifelong learning and how this, in turn, can promote lifelong learning among teachers and learners.

Register here: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wnT_QcBLT5SjusGTkDKVQQ#/registration

NB: the seminar runs from 12:00-13:00 UK time, 13:00-14:00 Paris time.


13:00 – 13:05: 
Opening and welcome remarks
, Ms Isabell Kempf, Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). Moderator: Ms Chung Dolma, Assistant Programme Specialist, UIL

13:05 – 13:55:
Main session

Moderator: Ms Rakhat Zholdoshalieva, Team Leader, Quality Learning Ecosystems, UIL

  • Teacher testimony – Teacher as a Lifelong Learner: Ms Sister Zeph, Founder and CEO of the Zephaniah Women’s Education and Empowerment Foundation (ZWEE), Pakistan
  • Strengthening teacher voice – A global perspective: Mr Carlos Vargas Tames, Chief, Section for Teacher Development, Division of Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO Education Sector 
  • Lifelong learning for teacher professional development: Mr Yusuf Sayed, Professor of International Education and Development Policy, University of Sussex, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Founding Director of the Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE), Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
  • Teacher leadership and voices and lifelong learning: Mr David Frost, Co-director, HertsCam Network, and Emeritus Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Teachers’ views of lifelong learning: Ms Songge Ma, Associate Professor, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University, People's Republic of China 

Questions and answers

13:55 – 14:00:
Summary and closing remarks
, Ms Rakhat Zholdoshalieva, Team Leader, Quality Learning Ecosystems, UIL


CR&DALL Themes: 
