Latest News

Please note also that CR&DALL cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided to us by outside bodies. Further information about the event or activity should be sought from the contacts given in that section as this is likely to be the sum total of information provided to us.

We're delighted to announce a new project, funded by the Society for Research in Higher Education and led by CRADALL Director Anna Wilson.

Surveillance imaginaries among Chinese postgraduate students studying in the UK 

The project builds on Anna's prior work with Jen Ross of the University of Edinburgh.

UALL – SCUTREA Conference 2025 Call for Papers

GO HIGHER – Lifelong Learning as the heart of sustainable, equitable and future facing universities

The UALL - SCUTREA Conference will be held at the University of Liverpool, hosted by the Go Higher Humanities Access Diploma, on 16 -18 June 2025.

There is a new call for contributions to a Special Issue of the journal Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung (Journal for Research on Adult Education) on Adult Learning in the Context of Work, edited by Katrin Kraus and Gabriele Molzberger. 

There is an exciting opportunity for a 34 month position to work on the VET PREP (VET participation, retention, and educational policies) project, based at the University of Glasgow and working with Prof Simon McGrath and colleagues. The position is advertised here, plus more information below.
