Tudásmenedzsment (Knowledge Management) Special Issue in memoriam of Prof. Dr. Koltai Dénes (1947 – 2022)

Tudásmenedzsment (Knowledge Management) Special Issue

Tudásmenedzsment (Knowledge Management) is a peer-reviewed journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs, Hungary. Tudásmenedzsment is published twice a year in Hungarian language. The journal publishes an English-German language special issue once a year.

The most recent volume came out just now. It is a Special Issue – in memoriam of Prof. Dr. Koltai Dénes (1947 – 2022) - who served the University of Pécs for some three decades as Director of the Institute, Dean of the Faculty and Vice-Rector. He was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2008. While most articles of this Special Issue are in Hungarian language, all 20 articles have abstracts in English.

Attached please find this Special Issue. For further information:



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