July 2024 MOJA Newsletter - Adult Education Africa

July 2024 MOJA Newsletter - Adult Education Africa

The second Issue of the Journal of Adult Education is launched at a time when communities on the African continent and beyond continue to experience difficult, and often extremely harsh, socioeconomic issues. We live in a time of unprecedented climate change which is affecting farmers worldwide and limiting food production. In addition to this, the war in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on supplies and prices globally.

Many African countries rely on a significant percentage of imports of their agricultural products such as wheat, vegetable oils and fertiliser from the Ukraine and Russia. The disruption of these global supply chains, among others, has resulted in reduced imports which, in turn, has led to escalating prices worldwide. The scale of the current global hunger and malnutrition crisis is enormous. This year, an estimated 309 million people are facing acute levels of food insecurity in the 71 countries served by the World Food Programme of the United Nations1.

Within this seemingly unrelenting and merciless context, we recognise that communities on the African continent are rich in both conceptualisations and innovative practices that respond to various socio-economic problems. Food and hunger is a significant theme and we are interested in the different strategies and approaches used by communities to address this basic human need. For this Issue of MOJA, the editors invited submissions from authors who share experiences that draw attention to the work of adult educators working in community food systems and livelihoods. 

Read the July issue featured below or on the MOJA website here: https://www.mojaafrica.net/en/moja-journal.


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