Main profile
Summary biography:
Julia Preece contributes to International Issues in Adult and Continuing Education. She is a Honorary Senior Research Fellow within the School of Education.
Staff Profile
Julia Preece has been Professor of Adult Education, University of Kwa-zulu Natal since August 2011, having previously been Professor of Adult Education at the National University of Lesotho and Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning at the University of Glasgow. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow.
He main areas of work are adult education and poverty reduction and lifelong learning with particular interest in gender and African perspectives, citizenship education, and Universities and community engagement.
Her recent research and consultancy has included Implementing the Third Mission of Universities in Africa (ITMUA), (2010-2011) funded by the Association of African Universities, involving the universities of Malawi, Botswana, Calabar in Nigeria and Lesotho and the British Academy funded African Partnerships Programme for capacity building and research development on topic of non-formal education and poverty reduction (2006-2009) involving universities of Malawi, Botswana, Calabar (Nigeria) and Glasgow. She was the President of the British Association for International and Comparative Education from 2006-2008 and is South Africa’s representative within the World Committee for Lifelong Learning .
Selected Publications:
Preece J (2011) Research in adult education and lifelong learning in the era of CONFINTEA VI, International Journal of Lifelong Education 30 (1) 99-117
Preece J (2011) Higher education and community service: developing the National University of Lesotho’s third mission, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 17(1) 81-97
Preece J (ed) (2011) Community Service and Community Engagement in Four African Universities, Gaborone: Lentswe La Lesedi
Preece J (2009) Lifelong Learning and Development: A Southern Perspective, London: Continuum
Preece J (2009) Feminist perspectives on lifelong learning, in Jarvis P (ed) International Handbook on Lifelong Learning, London: Routledge 423-433
Preece J (ed) (2008) Non-formal Education, poverty reduction and life enhancement, Gaborone: Lentswe La Lesedi
Preece J, Van der Veen R, Raditloaneng N (2007) (Eds) Adult Education and Poverty Reduction Gaborone: Lentswe la Lesedi
Preece J & Singh M (2005) (eds) Adult Learning and Poverty Reduction, Report on the Workshop Held at the CONFINTEA V Midterm Review Meeting, Bangkok, September 2003 Bonn: UNESCO UIE pp47
Chilisa B & Preece J (2005) Research Methods for Adult Educators in Africa, Cape Town: UNESCO/Pearson Publications pp 271
Preece J & Mosweunyane D (2004) Perceptions of Citizenship Responsibility Amongst Botswana Youth, Gaborone: Lentswe La Lesedi pp 122
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